Friday, January 9, 2009

Lola: A Fond Recollection

Lola: A Fond Recollection
(A Tribute to Lola Soledad Lotilla vda. de Grasparil)
April 9, 1994

Lola, as we her grandchildren fondly call her, is a very inspiring woman. Never blinded by luxury, she lived a simple, meaningful life.
I am blessed to experience lola's loving company when she was still healthy, socially active, and had good memory. Her physical death today has opened the floodgates of my treasured memories with her. Looking back, I could see some golden moments of yesteryears.
Time was when I, my brothers and lone sister were still living under one roof with Lola. As precious kids are wont to do, we would often play around , make abstract arrangements of our pieces of furniture, throw small odd things here and there, and have instant boxing bouts followed by loud wails of the vanquished. With all the mess we made, not an angry shout of invective was heard from her. She was the epitome of coolness, patience, and grace under trying circumstances.
Some evenings when the sky were clear and we were out stargazing, she would patiently point at and name the constellations and planetsin view. When rare astronomical phenomena occurred like the appearance of a comet or a solar or lunar eclipse, she would gather us and explain them to our satisfaction. She was an effective teacher.
Relaxed moments were spent listening to her stories from the lives of great men to the adventures of Ulysses in Homer's twin epics; "The Odyssey" and "Iliad". She was a good storyteller.
During her spare time, she either made pillows out of Kapok fiber or reading old books, write speeches or composed poems. To her, words flowed as easily like spring water. She was an imaginative writer.
She could command obedience without raising a howl. Her authority emanated from her consistently upright though imperfect life. She always meant what she said. And she hated lies. No wonder she could look straight ahead with honest confidence.
She was frugal. She would rather use salt instead of toothpaste to brush her teeth, manualy-extracted coconut oil rather than commercial shampoo to wash her hair, a dust of talcum baby powder on her face rather than make-up, or wore simple dress with no jewelry. Skin-deep beauty was not her concern but rather one that was ageless which came out of her gentle and quiet spirit.
Above all, she had faith as strong as a rock, which explained her serene composure in the face of problems. She did not force us to go to Church but her different lifestyle and dedication to the Lord's work were more than enough to speak for the reality and power of the God she worshipped and obeyed.
So much more can be said about Lola. But time is too short to enumerate them all. Suffice it to say that enough had been poured out for reminiscence. The rest remains in the vaults of the heart.
Lola, you have left ahead of us into the bosom of our loving Father. But I know that we will be reunited once again in eternity. For the moment, thank you for the exemplary life you shared to me and the rest of your grandchildren. Though you will be physically absent from now on; though we would be missing your sweet singing and uplifting smiles; yet your memory will forever be etched in our hearts.
God bless you for finishing your race.

by: Victor G. De Gracia Jr.
4th apo

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